April 22, 2021 | Other Activities
BPS-Statistics of Cimahi City launched the Declaration of the Development of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in the Cimahi City Central Statistics Agency. The activity which took place on Thursday, April 22, 2021 was led directly by the Head of BPS Cimahi City, Ir. Sitti Sarah by inviting witnesses from other agencies. Representatives of agencies who attended the BPS of Cimahi City were the Indonesian Ombudsman Representatives of West Java. Meanwhile, the Cimahi City Population and Civil Registry Office, the Cimahi City Regional Development Planning Agency, the Cimahi City Land Office, and the Cimahi City Office of Communications, Archives and Library Information were present viurally in the zoom meeting room. This is due to the situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic which still does not allow meetings with a large number of participants.
In the series of proclaiming events, there were virtual representatives from the West Java Province Central Statistics Agency, Intermediate Statistisi who also served as Coordinator of the Social Statistics Function, Ir. Raden Gandari Adianti Aju Fatimah M.Si gave directions regarding the Declaration of the Development of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM). The Indonesian West Java OMBUDSMAN Representative also provided direction regarding Service Standards at BPS Cimahi City in the Context of Building an Integrity Zone Towards WBK / WBBM. The directive was conveyed by the Assistant Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, Fitry Agustine, SE.
The form of the seriousness of BPS Cimahi City in the framework of the WBK / WBBM through the declaration of this Integrity Zone is outlined in the signing of the Integrity Pact document by the leadership and all employees, and also the signing of a declaration / statement of commitment by the head of the agency and witnesses and widely published. This is intended so that all parties can monitor, oversee and supervise, as well as participate in the implementation of programs for the prevention of corruption, bureaucratic reform, and improvement of the quality of public services that have been determined, with the hope of realizing institutions with integrity and corruption-free.
Ir. Sitti Sarah in her speech said that Building an Integrity Zone Towards WBK / WBBM is not an easy thing and can be realized in a fast way. The reading of the pledge or slogan requires a long process, so it becomes a challenge for us (BPS Cimahi City) with a strong commitment and hard work in making changes in steps and work culture.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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