awa Barat Farmers Term of Trade March 2012 Down 0.14 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cimahi Municipality

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awa Barat Farmers Term of Trade March 2012 Down 0.14 Percent

awa Barat Farmers Term of Trade March 2012 Down 0.14 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : April 2, 2012
File Size : 0.1 MB


Farmers Term of Trade (NTP) Jawa Barat in March 2012 was recorded at 107.87 or decreased 0.14 percent from 108.03 NTP February 2012. The index received by farmers (IT) decreased 0.08 percent while the Index paid Farmers ( IB) rose by 0.07 percent. In March 2012 four out of five NTP subsectors increased except NTP of Food Crop sub-sector decreased 0.93 percent from 105.90 to 104.91 while NTP Horticulture Crop sub-sector rose 1.51 percent to 116.19, NTP Livestock subsector rose 0 , 48 percent to 98.04, NTP subsector Plantation Plantation rose 0.25 percent to 116.81 and NTP fisheries sub-sector rose 0.21 percent to 112.28. March 2012 in the rural areas of Jawa Barat there was a deflation in goods and services consumed by farmers households by 0.02 percent, which is strongly influenced by the decrease of the foodstuff index by 0.38 percent, while other expenses experienced inflation ie housing category 0.43 percent, health group 0.31 percent, food group 0.27 percent, transportation & communication 0.25 percent, clothing 0.21 percent and education, recreation & sports 0.16 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota CimahiJl. Entjep Kartawiria No. 20 B


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