Hotel Room Occupancy Rate In Jawa Barat September 2013 is 43.19 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cimahi Municipality

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Hotel Room Occupancy Rate In Jawa Barat September 2013 is 43.19 Percent

Hotel Room Occupancy Rate In Jawa Barat September 2013 is 43.19 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 1, 2013
File Size : 0.53 MB


Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of hotels in Jawa Barat on average in September 2013 amounted to 43.19 percent, an increase of 2.90 points compared to August 2013 which was recorded at 40.29 percent. TPK star hotel in Jawa Barat in September 2013 amounted to 45.75 percent, up 3.16 points compared to August 2013 which recorded 42.59 percent. The highest TPK in 5 star hotels is 50.51 percent, and the lowest in 1 star hotels by 41.41 percent. TPK non-star hotels by 38.26 percent, up 0.99 points compared to August 2013 which recorded 37.27 percent. The highest TPK in hotels with more than 100 room groups of 51.36 percent, and the lowest in the 25-40 room group of 33.94 percent. Average stay length of stay in star hotels for 1.60 days and 1.25 days at non star hotels. Foreign guests stay on average in star hotels for 2.58 days, and in non-star hotels for 2.54 days; while guests from Indonesia stay overnight for 1.54 days in star hotels and 1.24 days in non-star hotels. The arrival of foreign guests through Husein Sastranegara Airport Bandung in September 2013 as many as 14,658 people, increased 68.10 percent compared to August 2013 which recorded as many as 8,720 people. While foreign tourists coming through the port of Muarajati Cirebon decreased from 88 people in August 2013 to 84 people in September 2013 or down by 4.55 percent.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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