August 2013 CPI Combined Jawa Barat covering 7 cities of Bandung City, Cirebon City, Tasikmalaya City, Bekasi City, Bogor City, Sukabumi City and Depok City experienced an increase in index. CPI of August 2013 was 145.04 higher than CPI in July 2013 of 143.21, thus inflation was 1.28 percent. Inflation year calendar January - August 2013 "year to date" of 9.67 percent and year-on-year inflation year-on-year during the last twelve months (August 2013 to August 2012) recordedby 10.02 percent. Of the seven expenditure groups, which experienced the highest inflation were Education, Recreation & Sports Group of 3.90 percent, followed by Foodstuff Group by 1.31 percent, Food, Beverage, Cigarette & Tobacco Group by 1,10 percent, Group of Clothing 1.17percent, Transportation Groups, Communications & Shipping Services 0.97 percent, Health Group by 0.95 percent, and Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Fuel Group by 0.91 percent.