Total passenger domestic flights that are departing from Jawa Barat on September 2020 as many 14.93 people or up 133.88 percent (m-to-m) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cimahi Municipality

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Total passenger domestic flights that are departing from Jawa Barat on September 2020 as many 14.93 people or up 133.88 percent (m-to-m)

Total passenger domestic flights that are departing from Jawa Barat on September 2020 as many 14.93 people or up 133.88 percent (m-to-m)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 11, 2020
File Size : 0.56 MB


The total number of commercial air transport passenger departures from Jawa Barat in September 2020 totaled 14,903 people, up 133.88 percent compared to August 2020 which was recorded as many as 6,372 people. The amount of cargo through Jawa Barat domestic flights including goods, baggage and post / package in September 2020 reached 455.73 tons or experienced an increase of 252.94 percent compared to August 2020.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota CimahiJl. Entjep Kartawiria No. 20 B


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